I was challenged this morning by words I read from David Olford in Find Us Faithful: Leadership That Leaves a Legacy: "Rather, there is a more basic issue related to this issue of faithfulness which confronts all of us. It is the giving of our attention to priority concerns and matters while we have the God-given opportunity to do so. We never know how much time we have in any given relationship, responsibility, ministry or situation. And because of the awareness of the potential brevity of any season, we need to determine what really matters, what really counts and what really must be done. We must be occupied faithfully with what God wants us to be and do in any given relationship or situation before we have to say, 'Good-bye.'"
Not an easy task. But we must accept direction from God instead of our own independence.
Challenge us to do it, Dean! To give ourselves to what really matters. I'm hearing your heart more these recent Sunday mornings. Keep challenging us!
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