I can hear more when I'm quiet!
My son Jeff gave me the gift of rest last week. He took me on a trip, and for seven days, I could rest, read, listen and be quiet. What a treat. There were no expectations, no requirements and no deadlines. It was so good to spend some great time with my son. Then, as I read God's Word, I heard His voice clearly. The Father encouraged me and directed and re-oriented me -- to my value to Him and to my purpose and calling from Him. What a pleasure it was, to just be with the One Who loves Me and knows me by name. What a joy to know that I need not perform to please Him...that He wants me, as He's made me to be, doing what He's made me to do. What a prospect to look forward now -- to serving and developing servants, and therein being like the Master.
1 comment:
I'm so glad Dean :) What a tribute to you that your son would make that possible!
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